Monthly Archives: May 2013

How sweet tea saved the day

sweet teaFor true followers of this blog, you know that I have been on a roller coaster ride with Mother Nature this spring.  At some points, like during the three day snowstorm in April, she and I were not even on speaking terms.  During one of those days, it became apparent that we were in for the long haul, and our menu was in a rut.  What does a wise and frugal mom do when you have your children home?  You make freezer meals – which roughly translated in kid speak is forced servitude, but nevertheless we had fun.

We did need a few supplies to round out our chosen meals, and I coaxed our newest driver into being my second. (Of course, it didn’t hurt that he is a lineman and could push if we got stuck, and undeniably he scrapes windows so much better than I.)  Before we left, I told him that I needed to get something to make sure we were prepared for our journey to roll-back price land.  He assumed (rather incorrectly) that I needed some cold weather preparedness item.  Pshaw!  Nope! What I went back for was the one thing that always makes my day brighter – iced sweet tea!

I didn’t just grab any glass. Oh no! I needed a Tervis tumbler so that my tea stayed nice and cold.  (I know what you are thinking. A blizzard in April wasn’t cold enough?) The shopping trip was successful, and I was never parched. Years before, I would have been eyed as rather odd carrying a glass of sweet tea through a foot of snow (uphill both ways).  Alright, I’m stretching it on the snow, but not the eyeballing.  I’ve carried Southern-style sweet tea with me for as long as have I owned my own cups, but it wasn’t until Uncle Si that people  stopped thinking it was weird.  It took loveable ol’ Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty and his trusty Tupperware cup and tea pitcher for people to realize that sweet tea isn’t just a beverage – it’s a way of life.

Recently, that sweet tea saved me (and my friend) from making a colossal mistake.  We are in the process of launching a new ministry, and we had decided on a name that we thought would represent our hearts desire (but more importantly God’s plan) for women – to know that they are not alone and that His grace covers every hurt.  We even launched a newsletter featuring that old name.  Then our marketing team said in a kind and gentle way, “Nuh-uh! You do not want to do that. You need something more personal and dynamic.”  Stunned! Where do we go from here?

Divine intervention actually came to me while thinking about that crazy trip to the store in the snowstorm. What is something signature about me?  Right there in that glass of orange pekoe and sucrose was the answer – sweet tea.  Thus, God granted me an epiphany into how amazing grace really is – it’s SWEET!

Amazing grace – how sweet the sound!

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

Watch in the coming days to see just how good He really is! I promise it will be sweet!

Of blanket forts and stuffies

Special thanks to "Brave to Just Be Me" at Tumblr

Special thanks to “Brave to Just Be Me” at Tumblr

Every child’s spring should jump in puddles, play in the wind, involve something with baseball,  and watch for birds and flowers to return.

I enjoy each of those things, but one holds a special place in my heart. Baseball! A few years back, we wanted to attend opening day festivities for the Minnesota Twins when they were still playing in the Metrodome. Sadly, my husband was travelling, and it was too overwhelming to make the six hour round trip during the middle of the week with, at the time, three small children.  I had long, sad faces.  The kind of faces where suddenly you realize your children could be eyelash models.

During the day I hatched a plan that I thought would be the best alternative given the circumstances.  I sent everyone out to play when we arrived home from school, under the guise that they needed to enjoy the beautiful day.  I reassured them I would call them in when supper was ready. While they were outside playing, I stripped beds and dug out every white sheet and chair that we owned.  When called in for supper, they arrived to find our living room transformed into the Metrodome West, replete with hot dogs and popcorn.  We spent the most magical evening watching the game, and enjoying the fact that at our Metrodome, you could lay on the floor.

I was reminded of that magical time when last Friday evening, I watched my youngest start hauling one blanket at a time up the stairs while I was busy organizing in the basement.  My husband, eyebrows raised, asked,  “What are you doing with all these blankets and when are you going to pick all that up?” Her swift response mentioned that she was having a meeting with her stuffies.

As a true connoisseur of blanket forts, I knew exactly what the twinkle in her eye meant.  Being the youngest and the only one home that evening, she was creating her own fun.  There was a party (which actually had some serious conversation) going on between one little curly-headed girl and a whole bunch of stuffed animals, snuggled safely in the confines of their fleecy abode.

Eventually, my freckled-face sweetie emerged with the results of the meeting.  The item on the agenda was who among them would be able to attend the school field trip to the Teddy Bear Clinic. Enter the music and words from the Charlie Brown special where Snoopy wants to visit the little girl in the hospital.  Only one stuffie allowed!  Would it be Joe, the teddy bear who saw a sweet little girl through nights of terrors after her brother was killed, but who has a penchant for mischief?  Would it be Bacon, the pig, who loved a little girl at grief camp and who has a secret life as a superpig? How about Reed-y bear made from her brother’s clothes?   Or Pork Chop, another pig who came home with us after a swim meet and likes to lounge by bedroom windows? The only catch for tomorrow’s field trip is the stuffie might get a shot and possibly a cast. After a lengthy discussion, a decision had been made.

Curled up in my arms, she confided only Reed-A-Cheetah, who teaches others about loving in the face of tragedy, was brave enough to go on the adventure. Right there with those tiny arms wrapped in mine, messes didn’t matter, because I knew that imaginations were alive and well. Mine was the only house on the block with a VIP board room, and more importantly, one stuffy brave enough to protect little girls lives here.

The tale of two Reeds

I wish I could locate my photos of the two Reeds together.

I wish I could locate my photos of the two Reeds together.

I received one of the sweetest text messages ever today, while still snuggled in my quilts and pjs.  The message was simple:

May the 4th be with you!  Thinking of you and Reed today. Love you!

It was a simple acknowledgement of how fun this day was to our favorite little redhead, but more so, the remembrance that someone recognized we would miss him, just a little more today.  Written in the text was a whole lot of love from a friend who always brings me joy.

Once up, I spent a little bit of time searching for the perfect Star Wars video on Youtube.  I wanted one that would make my proclamation of love for my Jedi, who actually had the e-mail address jedione@????.??? once upon a time.  Settling on the link below, I posted a quick tribute and was off to spend the rest of the morning with my family.

All was well, until I stepped outside in bare feet to deliver items to the recycling bin.  Ouch!  That is cold!  (Later in the day, I actually noticed a few snowflakes mixed in with the drizzle that persisted throughout the day.)  If ever a light saber would come in handy, today was it. Of course, it  could have functioned as a blue therapy light as well.  I might actually have to look into that.  Additionally, I would want it to make the great sounds effects as well – which would doubly serve to lift my sad spirits.

After reading the thermometer (a not so balmy 38 F) by my kitchen window, I got the chuckles. You know those that I seem to have a proclivity for, the kind that bubble up from a deeply hidden well-spring that just erupt forth spewing uncontrollable laughter.

The source of my giggles was from a cold April day in Alabama many, many years ago.  I was living with my grandparents during graduate school at Auburn University.  My Papa (pronounced pawpaw) and I were going on one adventure of sorts.  Upon stepping outside that day, we noticed our breath in the air, which was not typical in late April in Opelika.  We (well okay I) went back in to get a warmer jacket.  Papa Reed was dressed appropriately – because he was astute follower of the best weather forecaster around: The Farmer’s Almanac.  Anyways, once I finally joined him, he dropped some good ol’ fashioned country knowledge on his young, but educated granddaughter.  “Gal, it’s cold as a blue lizard out here.”

I still remember looking at him and bursting into laughter.  If that saying didn’t describe the situation to a tee, I don’t know what one would.  He relished my giggles and we continued on, him with a twinkle in his eye and me with a giggle at the ready.

Standing at the kitchen counter today, I could almost picture my two Reeds in heaven, each with those sparkling blue eyes.

One saying:  “Momma, May the 4th be with you!” and the other saying, “Yep, Gal, still cold as a blue lizard.”

Today, I am grateful that God gave me the opportunity to love both of them.