Tag Archives: art projects

10 days to go: Art 4 All

Reed’s “Self-Portrait” Canvas
“Commissioned” for his Art Show

When Reed was around 5 years old, I was still teaching tennis.  One year, I helped with the local Marshall Community Services Spring Classes and Tournament with the local college coach.  For our kick-off, we had a representative come from the United States Tennis Association for a Free 4 All event.  The event is a part of the USTA’s mission to make tennis available to everyone by helping with equipment, instruction, and ENTHUSIASM.

Reed felt the same way about art.  He felt that everyone regardless of age should have an opportunity to create and to express their world through art mediums.  For years, we would faithfully drive our kids to Sioux Falls once a month so that they could participate in the arts programs at the Washington Pavilion.  They loved it.  On one of our trips back, Reed wondered what it would be like if every kid could experience art lessons and have a place to display their art.

I started asking at local art and children’s organizations, and while most liked the idea, none really put forth much of an effort toward what Reed envisioned.  He finally decided to take matters into his own sweet hands.  With the support of Mom, Dad, and his beloved art teacher, Mrs. Schueler, Reed applied for and was awarded a grant to hosting an art show with art lessons too!  He was the ripe age of 8 years old.  The day was a success with the entire event free to all who attended.  Reed wanted art to be a past-time available to everyone.

Keeping that sweet memory in mind, we have added a new component to our Reed-A-Cheetah Kids Zone this year.  Yes, there will be several art projects available for kids to create.  We know with certainty that Reed would give two thumbs up at an ART-4-ALL event!

No matter how big or small, God’s creations are always masterpieces!  Just like we have any of our children’s artwork on the walls, God has our pictures all over his “refrigerator”!

Special Note: The art projects are a part of the $5 wristband price.  St. Mary’s Youth Group of Cottonwood will be manning the stations.  They are also doing a small fundraiser.  They will have “I (heart) Jesus” bracelets available for purchase.  The funds will be used to help pay for their upcoming NCYC youth trip.

21 Days to Go: Hugs and High Fives Available

Reed @ Turtles ’07
Photo taken by Andy Wiersma

Often our drive to and from school is very revealing about what goes on there.  By listening carefully to my kids, I get to hear what is REALLY going on in their world.  I  laughed out loud at what I heard on Friday’s drive after the football game.  Here is a recap:

S: C, you can’t come up and hug me at lunch anymore.

Mom: (not saying anything, but eyebrows raised)

C: (sadly and way overtired) Whhhhhhyyyyyyy?

S: If you do, then I have a mob of 2nd graders who want hugs or high-fives.

Entire Stevens clan minus S: (erupts into laughter)

Since I have more than once been described as the Pied Piper of Children, I love that my kiddos have definitely inherited that gene.  I adore that my kids love younger kids, and they are never too cool to play along.  The shared kid-loving gene is often at the heart of our service.

Our family has been serving in the church nursery for a long time.  We have had all kinds of fun times with little ones.  Earlier, a favorite memory popped into my head of Reed and one little boy who thought he was the funniest thing ever. Reed would put on puppet shows with the alligator hand puppet for hours.  That silly alligator had some crazy adventures filled with shenanigans and hijinks.  Reed doted on his pint-sized buddy.  Yet, no matter how hard he tried could he ever get the boy to say, “Reed”.  Physically he could say it, but he just always called Reed, “Guy”.  Every time he would see Reed, he would call out, “Hey Guy!”  Reed played along and always acted put out.  It was adorable.

Any event (big or small) planned by our family will always have something for kids to do. It is just who Team Stevens is as a group of people.  The Reed-A-Cheetah Kids Zone was our best way to make Reed’s Run appealing to the littlest ones.

For a $5 wristband, families get a really good deal on good clean fun.  Reed loved inflatables; so, we have inflatable games that the kids can go as many times as they want.  There will also be clowns doing face painting and making balloon animals.  Temporary tattoos are available.  Last but not least, honoring Reed’s love of art, there will be art activities for the kids to create.  The bonus: all the activities are supervised.  All in all, a good deal for a good cause.

Now if only we could find an alligator hand puppet to show up and share his crazy adventures, it would be perfect.  Can’t promise any fuzzy reptiles, but we will have lots of hugs and high fives ready to share!