Tag Archives: childlike faith

Invasion of the Gnomes

Since my Nanny’s passing, my mom and dad have spent much of the last several months working on sorting through the items she left behind.  It has been a grueling task, physically and emotionally.  As they were going through volumes of items, they decided to ask the grandchildren if there were things that we or our children would like to have.  Eventually one of the things making the round of the “Does Anybody Want These?” lists was garden tchotchkes.

My parents who are actually quite adept at technology and decorating sent us a picture with my dad’s legs standing among the items available balancing a yardstick to give perspective.  I immediately requested the tall gnome with the measuring stick even though I couldn’t see anything more than his bottom half.  I figured he might come in handy around here. My mother replied he was already taken. Since my first request was unavailable, I took a closer look at what new treasures lay waiting. I love a good garden gnome; so, I speedily replied as to which couple I would love to see in my garden.  My brother chimed in on a few he would like.  My sister’s response was a flat out, “NO THANKS!”

My first exposure to gnomes was when my family made a cross-country move to North Dakota.  I remember being smitten with them, because my brother and I were huge Smurfs fans.   Years later, I created tiny fantasy gardens with itsy-bitsy gnomes.  My children grew up watching very carefully, because sometimes it would seem the gnomes had moved or new items appeared with them.  We still talk about the bowling ball and pins that appeared one morning in one of those gardens. Such is the whimsy of my backyard!

Almost a month after the text messages, my parents arrived with a U-Haul full of treasures from my Nanny’s house.  Among them was our new garden kitsch.  At first, we placed them on our deck carefully, cautioning the kids that we would think about exactly the right place for them later.

Since they were my grandmother’s, I wanted to preserve them, put them on a shelf, and make sure they lasted forever.  I didn’t want anyone or thing to touch them.  Then one night, I got a nudge deep in my heart. I knew Nanny would ask, “What in heaven’s name are you thinking?”.  She would never want me to box them up for display only, much like many of us do with our best china.  They are meant to be in the garden bringing smiles and maybe just a touch of mischief to anyone lucky enough to spot one.

My nerves steeled. I resolved to place them in Reed’s garden, by asking my little girl to have the honors.  I think both Reed and Nanny would have been proud of that choice. A job of this importance required a child-like heart, not a heart, like mine, too timid to even use them.  I told her there was only one rule.  That rule: Mom can’t change where you put them.  Imagine the gift she received that day!


That night in bed, I realized that I do that a lot.  I receive blessings from God, but I am, on occasion, too timid to use them.  I want to put them on the shelf and look at them.  I want to be reminded that, indeed, God has blessed me.  Sometimes, I don’t want to share them in fear that the blessings will tarnish or diminish in beauty. But much like my Nanny’s garden decorations, I am beginning to realize that perhaps the reason for the blessings is for us to pour them out to others.  Memories of the times that God was so good to us! Perhaps that was God’s plan all along for our new little buddies waving from the greenery in the back of the lot.

So today I choose to not hold on too tightly to my blessings, counting them one by one, but instead allowing God to use them through me.

Easter Countdown #4 – A childlike faith

I tell you the truth, you must accept the kingdom of God as if you were a child, or you will never enter it. Luke 18:17 NCV

In the past week, I have had basically the same conversation with two very different individuals.  One was a sweet 12-year-old girl that I know, and the other was my equally as sweet 82-year-old grandmother, affectionately known as Nanny.  The conversation was about Easter traditions and favorite activities.  What struck me was the fact that both shared the exact same heart.

When I asked my 6th grade friend what her favorite part of Easter was, she proclaimed enthusiastically, “The egg hunt!”.  She then went on to elaborate that she loves to wake up with wide-eyed wonder to find baskets and get ready for church.  She shared with me that she was dismayed that many of her friends and classmates didn’t share her passion for simply enjoying the moment.  She didn’t understand why everyone was in a hurry to grow up so fast, and in her words “be too cool for Easter”.  Her words really touched me, because 30 years ago, I would have been that little girl. 

Fast forward a couple days to when I phoned my Nanny, she asked what we were doing this week.  I replied that we were preparing for Easter.  We reminisced about the last Easter we spent together and dyeing eggs with my kids.  (The one thing she failed to mention is her passion for eggs means there better be enough for her to dye as many as everybody else.)  We laughed about all the fun memories we had with egg-dyeing over the years.  Within seconds, she announced, “Even though, I’m goin’ be by myself this year, I’m goin’ to the store and get me a dozen eggs.  And yes sir, I am goin’ dye each one of them – even if I throw ‘em out later.”  I just had to smile, because 40 years from now, I want to be that girl.  This Southern lady who is comfortable and confident in who she is that she doesn’t mind doing something that her peers think childish or a waste of time – seeing as she has no one to share the joy with her this year.

Today, the Easter season is that transportable moment for me.  I wake up dreaming of walking to that tomb only to discover my Jesus isn’t there.  He conquered death and proved gloriously that he was and is and is to come, exactly who He said he was.  The rebirth of Spring only adds to my excitement as I daily count how many tulips have popped open, which area of grass is prospering, what garden plants are returning, and which trees are budding.  I am carried by my imagination to Easters past of white patent leather shoes, little white gloves and Easter bonnets, every time this season comes to call.  Oh and the hymns, I get almost giddy thinking about singing, “Because He lives”.  I love it!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we looked at each new day and each new experience through the eyes of my two incredibly amazing friends?  I believe that is exactly what we are asked to do in both Mark and Luke.  We need to be able to lose our jaded-ness and grown-up tendencies, and submit to the childlike wonder and awe that each creation and each situation was given to us by God.  Childlike faith lets us not be too big for ourselves and our ideas – like my little friend who wanted to enjoy Easter.  Childlike faith lets you act with abandon on occasion to do something that brings you joy – just like my Nanny.  Childlike faith lets you realize that God the father, who loves you very much, delights in seeing you happy.

Take-away:  What is something that you can do – just for you – in the next couple days that would bring you to childlike joy?  As much as I love Easter, I have a few other things that I love that bring me right back to childhood no matter where I am.  Even if you can’t act on childlike joy immediately, make a list of those things.  Here are a few of mine: running through the sprinklers, lying on the grass watching the stars, drinking from the garden hose, blowing bubbles, collecting clams on the beach, digging in soil to plant anything,  listening for the ice cream truck, and my all time favorite – catching lightning bugs in jars.  If you are bold (or should I say childlike enough), please post a couple of yours – I would love to know what brings you joy!