Tag Archives: Jesus final moments

An eggcellent tradition

A few years back our honorary son and his girlfriend called us up asking if we had plans for one of the days of Easter break.  They were free from college courses and wanted to come over and love on “their” younger siblings.  For us the definition of family is those who we choose to love.  I think Jesus would be okay with that definition.  Josh had been a part of our kid’s lives since they were teeny, and after Reed’s death and later Andy’s death, he had assumed the role of oldest brother in this family.  It was something for which we are forever grateful.

That call led to an epiphany moment, “Would you want to dye eggs with the kids?”.  Always up for an adventure, Josh and Nicole both happily agreed.  Egg-dyeing is one of those traditions that was hard to go back to after losing a child.  So began the new tradition.  Since that first year,  we have had many memories as we embraced all of Josh’s extended family into the tradition.  We have had stuff stuck in trees (long story), splatter painted sheets with leftover egg dye, and gotten downright funky in our egg-dyeing techniques.

This year was no exception.  While we missed two members of our merry band, the rest of us – nine total – gathered around a table first for dinner, and then for the annual egg-dyeing eggstravaganza!  When we broke bread (yes- the homemade kind), we read from a devotional that shared about Good Friday.  It was divinely appointed that all of our birds (white pigeons which resemble doves) flew out of the cote exactly at the moment we read, “It is finished.” John 19:30 (NIV)

The thought of those sweet words being a Victory shout brought tears to the eyes of a few of us at the table.  Never had I thought of those final words as victorious.  It was a humbling moment for my heart.

After supper we were up to our elbows in eggs – eight dozen to be exact. We did try old favorites of using those hole protector stickers to create designs on the eggs.  Who knew we had so many white crayons?  We upped the ante by using electrical tape for some pretty bold geometric shapes and designs.  Erin even pulled off a methodical and tedious checkerboard pattern using that same tape on one egg.


Once the last egg was dyed, the laughter and creativity lived on.  Since our yard still had quite a bit of snow cover and I did not want Easter egg colored dogs, the sheet idea was O-U-T! (Sometimes a momma just has to put her foot down.)  I remembered that we had some small blank canvases in the basement art stash.  The wheels began to turn.

Out came the stickers and one canvas!  Next came the paintbrushes . . . followed by a big dose of creativity.  Everyone painted a small area, and in the end it was a beautiful group art piece.

Easter art

What was even more beautiful was the creation of our hearts.  Even though all present miss Reed, we have been able to go beyond the societal definition, and rise from the ashes of tragedy to create a masterpiece of enormous proportions – a family.

The link to our devotion:
