Tag Archives: Lauraine Snelling

One lump or two

Well, um . . . none, if you are referring to coffee.  Southern-style sweet tea is another thing altogether.  I am almost embarrassed to admit how much sugar goes into a gallon of that, but today, I am talking about java – the caffeinated lifeblood for many.  In my entire life, I have probably drank about 11 sips of coffee.  The last time I tried coffee in my middle 20’s, I became violently ill with the stomach flu and have never touched the stuff again.  (There was no direct correlation between my illness and the 3 swallows of coffee I drank that day, but let’s just say the experience left a lasting impression. )

My loathe opinion of coffee has put me in some awkward situations as an adult as it seems many friends  want to hold impromptu meetings at one local coffee shop or another.  Not my idea of a good time, as the smell sometimes is too much for me.  However, I do regularly meet for “coffee and show-n-tell” with some of my favorite octo- and nonagenarians at our favorite gathering spot.  I just order a Coke while we visit and share the latest project of our heart and hands work.

Fortunately, I didn’t allow my dislikes to sway my decision to attend “Coffee with Ingeborg” in which the writer Lauraine Snelling would attend clad as her famous book character Ingeborg Bjorklund.  During “coffee”, we would have a chance to visit with the determined Ingeborg (and other characters) as well as enjoy wonderful Scandinavian goodies, music, and entertainment.

coffee with ingeborg

So what does a non-coffee drinker do when she has the opportunity to “meet” one of her favorite characters?  She invites along her sisters-in-law who also have the same addiction to the book series AND who happen to be non-coffee drinkers.   We all decided to put on our big girl pants and dive in – even if it meant proving the old adage “Misery loves company” true.

I won’t give away too much about the day, because I believe “Coffee with Ingeborg” might be a regular event for the author.  I really detest spoilers; so, I won’t ruin the mystique for the next attendees. We enjoyed the atmosphere, hearing the guests’ questions and the stories shared in response.  It was somewhat like a homecoming for me as well, because all of my new writer friends (sans one) were in attendance. Warm smiles across the aisles and later, genuine embraces reminded me that we had been brought together once again as part of God’s miraculous plan.

With my vivid imagination and child-like faith, I could almost picture the novels’ characters aging in time and their children constructing the very building (a memorial hall) where we were visiting.  While purely fictional, those characters are based off the faith-filled, hard-working, salt of the earth immigrants that settled the lands of the plains.  Even the adorable bathroom curtains were a reminder of the yearned for landmarks that legitimized towns.  The dainty lace depicted rolling plains with a schoolhouse and church replete with steeple – both believed by the settlers were necessary to create a better life for their children.  Such was the way of the prairie!

We had a delightful afternoon.  I cherished the time spent with the sisters (as we seldom do anything together without our kids).  We thoroughly enjoyed all seven Norwegian delicacies lovingly prepared by members of the local historical society. And we washed them down with water.  Thankfully, imbibing coffee was optional.  It’s a good thing too, because if it was a requirement, I would have been looking for a nice houseplant in one of the corners.

Blessed in Blessing

I have four email accounts (don’t ask) for different purposes.  To say I get a large volume of emails each day is an understatement.  Today I am thankful for one such message received a few weeks ago.  It was a “mass mailing” list to which I subscribe from one of my favorite authors.  It arrived at one of my busiest times (packing a truck and camper for a weeklong vacation/family reunion for 2 parents, 3 kids, and one supersized dog.)  I plopped on the couch in exhaustion that evening as I decided to “catch up” on my correspondence.

There it was – an e-mail from Lauraine Snelling.  As far as favorite authors go, she is right up there in my top four.  Her Red River of the North series transports me back in time to the homes of my favorite Norwegian immigrants.  My wearied eyeballs came alive when they saw, “Mail from Lauraine Snelling”. (Okay, I know it is probably from an assistant, but Hey! It seemed pretty personal to me.)

I was hoping for an announcement that would proclaim the stage play based on her books set in North Dakota would be upcoming, hoping,  I could get my hands on some tickets.  What I saw instead almost made me drop the computer because I wanted to jump and dance around the living room.  (Did I mention earlier that I was exhausted? That didn’t really happen.)  The jewels of the email were two-fold. Number 1 – a writer’s workshop where she would help writers to hone their art AND Number 2 – Coffee with Ingeborg (more on that in a later post) to which I squealed with glee.  (THAT really did happen.)

Immediately, I contacted the number listed, sent a message to my sisters-in-law (who are also huge fans), and crossed my fingers that I wasn’t too late on either opportunity.

I wasn’t.

I had the most wonderful day last Thursday once again back in North Dakota, transported to the fictional town of Blessing which has been adopted by the very real Drayton.  I spent a day with Lauraine and eight new friends (I seem to have a way of collecting them) learning more about what I didn’t know that I didn’t know about writing and gaining some valuable insight.

Upon arrival, my thoughts were centered around Lauraine Snelling – I mean, THE Lauraine Snelling – such that I was giddy with excitement.

Among my favorites, I have to admit that she is no Dr. Seuss (of course, I have to wait to heaven now to meet him), but after spending the day with her, her ranking in my favorites moved right on up. Look out Beverly Cleary!  In a one-day workshop, she answered many of my questions and self-doubts, but she also affirmed I am doing some things well.  I learned that she has many of the same struggles that I do (losing a child, life getting in the way, the need to take breaks, her love of God, and the most important one – she is a HUGGER!)

It was the latter two that stole my heart.  Very early in her instruction, she spoke about her “conversations with God” which often were when she told God what she wasn’t going to write about something such as historical fiction  (the very thing for which she is most famous).  As she spoke, I could feel the joy in my heart dance.  It was the first time I had been at writer’s event where God was so openly shared.  It felt like a homecoming because, she, all my new friends, and her book characters were God’s friends too.  What a game changer!

The second shared character trait was discovered at our first real break of the day  – LUNCH!  After a visit to the salad bar, Lauraine walked around the room and “had to lay her hands” on each of us.  Just a quick squeeze of encouragement and thanks!  She wanted to personally tell each one of us that she was so thankful and happy we attended.

Later when she spoke on grief and how it changes everything.  I sat with tears in my eyes across the table from her.  She was no longer – TEACHER, but became the friend who walks in the shoes I walk – GRIEVING MOTHER.

At that moment, I knew that God had brought me to the point of exhaustion the day I received that email; so that I would have this very encounter with her.  His message (through her words that day) was loud and clear.  Do not be discouraged when you feel you aren’t getting enough writing done.  Do not be despondent when you feel that you should accomplished more.   Press on knowing your story is touching the lives of others. 

Lauraine Snelling

So to my husband who said it was okay to drop everything and go off for four days, thank you for that gift.  To our cousins, aunt and uncle who embodied the gift of hospitality in the Blessing books, thank you for taking in this little traveler.  To the people of Drayton, thank you for adopting Blessing as your own.  To my new friends, you are treasured.  To Lauraine – well, actually to God – THANK YOU for bringing this blessing of a woman into my life.

I couldn’t be more BLESSED, and hoping that last hug we shared won’t be the last!