Tag Archives: learning curve

sweet grace newsletter

Wow!  I knew working for God had its fair share of challenges.  What I didn’t know was just how much I had to learn! I possess about a thimble full of knowledge on technology.  Patience is not always my strong suit, and it shows while I have been sitting on my news for quite a few weeks – while hinting at it in a blog or two.  Today, I am ready to announce that sweet grace ministries is on its baby steps to becoming a real part of my life as well as the life  of my friend, ministry partner, and sister in Christ.  We have prayed for a long time, and now, we are putting in the sweat equity (too bad that wasn’t sweet equity because that would have been awesome) to put the hands and feet and ideas (which we have A LOT) to what God has called us to do.

The plan is to provide uplifting talks whether that be small events or whole weekend retreats.  The heart of our ministry is  Real Women~Real Lives~Sweet Grace where we would have the opportunity to share God’s love and grace with everyone by focusing on women.  There really is truth to the old saying, “If momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy.”

Using our lives’ stories to give back and invest in women, we are hoping that we are small pebbles in God’s pond.  The blessings that we hope to offer can have a rippling effect long after we have shared.  We can also be found at Twitter @RealSweetGrace.

Please check out the link to our new magazine newsletter and I hope to have more similar announcements coming very soon.  Next up: Facebook Page and finishing touches on our website.
