Sweet 16 (days to go)

Along the way on our grief journey, our friends have been invaluable in our healing.  They have literally been our cheering section.  The amazing thing is these friends have always been there for us, even when we didn’t know or fess up to how much we needed them.  Yesterday, I mentioned classmates who will be graduating and how part of our decision making centered on them.   We continue to watch from the wings as they learn to spread theirs.

Reed had a diverse group of friends, both in personality and age.  We are excited to see how they will shine in this world. We already see glimpses of their glow in many different ways.  Not the least among those ways is how they consistently love on us, especially in the darkest days.  It seems they have picked up Reed’s encouragement “contagion”.  They share amazing stories and special moments.  They are always there with a hug, a card, an e-mail, or an unexpected visit. These friends share a history not only with Reed as well as being shareholders in keeping Reed’s legacy.  And they have done well.

It was purposeful when we asked these kids (many of whom tower over me now) to be on the Reed’s Run committee.  They bring a vibrant youthful perspective to every decision we make.  This group of friends also has a heart for God.  Even though their expression of faith may all differ, the way they let their lights shine is no less intentional.  And for that we are PROUD, and we know that Reed would be too.

So to: Quinn, Kayla, Jacob, Damien, Nattie, Mallory, Chelsey, Spencer, Cody, Ciara, Jacob, Garett, Taylor, Brent, Lucas, & Garrett

For being a huge part of Reed’s Run and for being an even bigger part of our lives, we thank you for being the Sweet 16.   Thank you for sharing your lives with us and helping us to continue to make our home a place where fun still lives (even if we put holes in walls and have out-of-control ping pong games in the garage).  For keeping inside jokes (like climbing the curtains) or for offering a hand to hold, together we have woven a web of shared love.  Any of you could fill the missing 6th chair at our table, and it would feel just like home!



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