3 days to go: A new way to Worship

Earlier this year, I spoke at a church in Excelsior.  It was a great experience, but when I walked into the smaller sanctuary for one of the other speakers, I stopped in my tracks.  I could hear the sounds of the speaker and other sounds at a typical women’s conference.  But, I couldn’t move.  I couldn’t speak.  I was in awe of a painting hanging in the room.  The painting was a graphic depiction of Jesus’ face.  I was drawn to it. His face was gorgeous, with eyes a piercing, penetrating blue.  I was in love that face.

At the end of the day after the long trip home, I immediately went to the computer and searched.  I found the painting and the artist in less than 20 minutes.  I learned the work was made in what is known as performance art. While looking through the website, I noticed a link for events.  Is he serious?  Was there really a chance that I could see this painting made?  I was nervously excited because we had been searching for something really big to end Reed’s Run.  Maybe, just maybe, this guy would be it.

I immediately filled out the contact sheet. I shared about Reed and his run and what I was hoping for.   I didn’t think I would hear back, because there was a disclaimer that said that Mike was really behind schedule and to be patient.  I almost drove off the road the next day when I got a call from a number I didn’t know.  It was Mike with a note from his wife that said, “CALL this lady!”

As we visited, Mike loved the idea of coming to Marshall for the last Reed’s Run.  We hold a similar belief that the gospel can be shared in lots of cool ways.  There was only one problem.  As an official painter for Women of Faith, he was already booked.  It was a great conversation, and we ended with if something changed for either of us, we would get back in touch.  I understood, but I was definitely disappointed.

On to the next big idea for Reed’s Run. Our family mulled over several less-appealing options until . . . I got a phone call.  “Kandy, I don’t really believe this, but it seems like the weekend that you are having Reed’s Run some things have changed at the Women of Faith event.  This has never happened, but they aren’t going to need me that weekend.”

This time, I did have to pull over, and I cried.  I cried on the phone. I cried when I shared what I think happened.  I cried after I hung up.  I even cried for quite a while afterward.

In my heart, I wanted something amazing for ending the Run.  I wanted something that people would remember forever.  I wanted something that blended the things that Reed loved in a way that reached people just the way Reed did in life.

I won’t know for sure until I get to heaven, but I wholeheartedly believe that one sweet little red-head has some connections in high, holy places.

Note: Mike Lewis, aka The Jesus Painter, will perform live at 7:00 pm on Saturday at Reed’s Run.  His work has been called the sermon without words. It is a unique way to worship.  Mike’s works will be available at an auction following the performance.  The event is free, and all are invited to attend.  It is strongly suggested that you bring your own chair and possibly a blanket. After watching Mike perform Reed’s Run, you will want to show his work to your friends and family. Thankfully, there is a second opportunity to see him perform the next day Sunday, Sept. 30 at 10:15 am at Christ Lutheran Church in Cottonwood. Come and be blessed at both events.

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