About Kandy

Kandy Noles Stevens is the proud wife of veteran of the United States Army, mother of 7 children (although 4 of her children live in heaven), and science/math teacher & professor.  God’s blessings have been pouring out in Kandy’s life for many years, but abundantly so since February 2008.

Her whole entire life, Kandy only wanted two things: to be a momma and to be a teacher.  She still proudly shows anyone who asks to see it her Dr. Suess “All About Me” book which she professed her desire to be teacher at the tender age of 7.  Kandy pursued Chemistry/Mathematics degrees in college, and then, later her Masters of Education in Science.  Her uncoventional path to teaching allowed her opportunities to intern at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, teaching at local universities, and then finally she felt a calling to pursue her teaching license.

Kandy and her husband, Daniel, lost three of their children to mid-term miscarriages.  Those children lovingly named Noah, Timothy, and Savannah Kate, are remembered each year by the family at special events.  Additionally, their oldest son, Reed was killed in a tragic bus crash on a wintry Minnesota day in 2008.  Two of their other children, Sawyer and Erin, received severe injuries that day as well.

Rather than digging a hole and crawling in it, Kandy and her family (affectionately known as Team Stevens) chose to use their faith in God to buoy them.  Reed’s services were a celebration of life complete with Praise and Worship music.  The family’s faith sustained them through the next 3 years in which the other children received medical care for their injuries and through the dark hours of grief.

Kandy was perfectly content being a momma and a teacher (her lifelong goals), until God’s plan for her life was presented after she spoke about the first year of grief at her local church.  A friend in the congregation (who had lost a brother at a young age) approached her after the service to say, “God has given you a gift to speak for all bereaved families, and He wants you to use it.”  Over the next year and half, it became very clear that those were not just passing words, but precisely God’s call for Kandy’s life.

Kandy felt God’s nudging to become a speaker and writer, and she is working on several books about her family’s experiences and about grieving.  Kandy is available to speak at conferences, women’s groups, church events, and just about any place where people might need her.

Kandy and her family reside in southwestern Minnesota.  They keep busy camping, fishing, and geo-caching, but most of their time is spent attending one of their children’s various sporting events.  In her just-for-herself time, Kandy loves to read and craft!  Kandy volunteers in many different places, but her absolute favorites are her work at her church and at a local nursing home where she and the family’s Golden Retriever, Huck, visit.

She can be reached by e-mail @ mominmn@hotmail.com



0 thoughts on “About Kandy

  1. Alissa Pracht

    Hello Kandy! You are speaking at our church in May and I would like to contact you about some background questions. What is the best way to contact you? Thank you!


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